I write about everything from bits to bosons.
I'm making my first ever browser extension
I wrote my first ever web extension to make the web better again (for me at least).
Moving from Next.js to Astro
I ditched React for Astro, discovered the joy of zero JavaScript, and witnessed my site's transformation from Next.js chaos to Astro simplicity. No benchmarks, just real talk about what I loved and loathed.
The Inconsistent Behavior of HTML `<script>` Tag
The behavior of the `<script>` tag may be different in different browsers. And the subtleties may lead to annoying consequences.
Google Summer of Code 2023
GSoC is a prestigious program that offers programmers the opportunity to contribute to open-source projects and gain valuable experience. This year, I had the privilege of participating in GSOC 2023. Over the course of 8 months, I gained hands-on experience with sysadmin, computer networking, and well known VPN protocols like WireGuard and OpenVPN. I’ll just expand on that in the rest of this article.